2023 Administrative Meetings

Administrative Meeting Minutes from previous dates can be requested by email. Thank you. 

Northeast Baptist Association Team Meeting

-February 13, 2023

Members Present:  Robin Stork, Jessica Riley, Pastor Bill Cox, Pastor Tim Royal, Janet Lee Royal, Michele Cason (by phone), Pastor Dennis Draves (by phone), and Jessca Schmidt (by phone)

Pastor Bill called meeting to order and opened us in prayer.

Minutes from last meeting reviewed and read.  Pastor Tim motioned minutes be approved; motion carried.

Old Business—none

Financial Reports as presented by Jessca Schmidt (see reports for details)

  • December 2022 and YTD Income and Expenses
  • Balance Sheet—Consolidated-December 2022

Pastor Tim made a motion to accept these reports and they were approved.

DOM Report given by Robin Stork. 

  • Spring Creek Baptist is starting the pastoral candidate process.
  • Crescent Valley Baptist hired Jeff McQeary as interim pastor.
  • Kingston has voted to shut church down until April due to 250,000 gallons of water being used.  Need to discover source and hopefully restart in April.
  • NeBA office repairs starting soon.
  • Robin needed a new phone and asks that NeBA continues to cover his cell phone bill as change of plans.  It was determined so vote necessary as his coverage already a part of the approved budget.
  • Robin suggested T-Mobile contract and establish Google voice for NeBA once the office is up and running again
  • Due to March 4th  NBC Pastor Connect no Round Tables will take place in February and March.  Next one will be April 27th.

New Business or Discussion

  • VBS Clinic will be Saturday, March 18, 9-2, at Fellowship, Battle Mountain
  • Women’s Conference will be held May 5 & 6 at First Baptist, Carlin

2023 Calendar

  • Team Meetings—May 15 and August 28
  • NeBA Annual Meeting-September 23 at Fellowship, Battle Mountain
  • NBC Convention:  October 16-17 (Las Vegas)

Michele Cason made a motion that we close the meeting.  Robin seconded motion.  All agreed.

Pastor Tim closed in prayer.

 Northeast Baptist Association Team Meeting 

-June 5th 2023 

Members Present: Jessica Riley, Robin Stork, Michele Cason (Via Zoom), Cindy Pearson (Via Zoom), Jessca Schmidt (Via Zoom), William Cox (Via Zoom). 

Pastor Bill called the meeting to order and opened in prayer.  

Minutes from the last meeting were not read, Janet Lee unexpectedly missed the meeting due to illness and was unable to share previous minutes. Jessica will email out a copy to the team for review.  

Old Business: 

The meeting was held in the upper part of the old NEBA building. There is still not an estimated date for the downstairs to be completed. Robin was able to bring in a T-Mobile hot spot device to make zoom available for the meeting. Previous meetings had errors while using the Calvary Baptist guest wifi. This seems to be a better alternative for the meetings. Connection did start to get spotty toward the end of the meeting. Jessica suggested moving the meeting up 30 minutes to see if we could keep the connection the entire meeting. Still a work in progress but we did see improvements.  

Jessca shared the financial reports. Church contributions have been higher than in 2022.  Jessica asked about the standing on the Women’s Conference Budget. Jessca said it was close to being met but was not final. She was still reconciling the May reports.  

Robin moved to accept the finaical reports, Michele seconded, none opposed. Motion carried.  

New Business: 

  1. Robin asked NeBA to pay for late charges that occurred with the property between him and NeBA (his home in South Fork). Charges occurred because of a banking error causing automatic payments to be returned.  

Michele moved to accept this request, Jessica seconded, none opposed. Motion Carried. 

  1. How are We Doing Survey?? - Robin has created a survey to be sent out to the churches of NeBA. First to go out to the Admin. Team for proof reading. Robin is curious how much the churches know about NeBA and what resources we offer to the churches in the association.   

  1. Pastor Round Tables for the summer months will be in June and August at Fellowship Baptist Church in Battle Mountain. Jessica will be taking care of lunch for the meetings.  

  1. Annual Meeting- September 23rd, 2023, suggesting a luncheon style meeting with a guest speaker. Possibly Dameion or Bradley from Reno.  

Other Business: 

VBS had 2 Clinics, one in Battle Mountain with 25 attendees and one in Elko with 26 attendees. Eight Churches we represented, and 6 pastors were among the attendees.  

Jessica moved to close the meeting, seconded by Jessca. Robin Closed in Prayer. 

Submitted by Jessica Riley 

Northeast Baptist Association

Admin Team Meeting August 28, 2023


  • Present:  Robin Stork, Pastor Tim Royal, Pastor Bill Cox, Janet Lee Royal, Jessica Riley
  • Jessica handed out financials. 
  • Pastor Bill opened in prayer.
  • Jessica read minutes from previous meeting which was held June 5, 2023.
  • Pastor Tim motioned minutes be accepted as read; Jessica seconded.
  • Financials discussed in detail.  Robin wanted to verify with Jessca for 3% typo rather than 4% on salaries, and Jessica needs to confirm The Bridge did forward the money they accidentally received from the Women’s Conference.  Motion made that financials be accepted; Robin seconded.
  • Annual Meeting
    • Bill has met his serving limit; Dennis has reached his serving limit so we need to nominate new moderator and vice moderator. Tim suggested that the current moderator continues to serve on Administrative Team for the following year (seamless transition); Policy issue will need to be adjusted to adopt this.  Needs to be voted on.  Suggestion to nominate Pastor Darryl.
    • Assistant Secretary/Treasurer, Cindy Pearson—suggested she remain as it makes signatures easier to obtain
    • Calvary Baptist Church will be hosting the 2024 Annual Meeting and Pastor Darryl Carnley will be preaching.


  • NEBA Office Space


  • Robin is suggesting that rent paid to Calvary Baptist be adjusted for the NEBA office space due to the limited number of hours both Robin and Jessica are using the space.
  • Impact Church to join NEBA officially at the Annual Meeting.  Membership will be voted on at the Annual Meeting.


  • How Are We Doing? Survey


  • This is a survey asking the churches how the association is doing.  Do the churches know what we are; what we are doing; what we have to offer; how we can help churches.
  • Suggestion was made to switch to SurveyMonkey and to include all church information.


  • Special Presentation


  • Date for NEBA Annual Meeting will now be Saturday, September 30 hosted by Fellowship, Battle Mountain; Bill Cox preaching.
  • Theme will be Unity.  Jessica and Bill will work together on theme.
  • Robin will have a special presentation for the pastors at the meeting.
  • Nominees will be asked prior to the Annual Meeting.  Robin will handle.  Jeff Johnson for Moderator and Darryl Carnley for Vice-Moderator.


  • Closing Prayer by Pastor Tim
  • Meeting adjourned

Submitted by Janet Lee Royal