2024 Administrative Meetings

Northeast Baptist Association

Admin Team Meeting February 26,2024


  • Present: Robin Stork, Bill Cox, Tim Royal, Jeff Johnson, and Jessica Riley
  • Present Via Zoom: Michele Cason, Cindy Pearson, and Charlie Vaughn.
  • Jessica handed out financial reports.
  • Jeff Johnson opened in prayer.

Old Business

          After a discussion with Darrel at Calvary it has been decided that the old building we used as office space is going to remain closed. The office room that Robin currently uses will be available to NEBA. Robin is currently the only one using the space and there is enough space for Jessica to move back into the office from home. There is even a storage room attached so we can clear out the storage from the old building.  This office space has been given to us with no cost to NEBA and we will have access to Calvary’s main internet, not the guest account. 

New Business

  • PO BOX

Robin has suggested that we discontinue using the PO Box address and just send mail to Calvary. 50% of the mail is already being sent to the church’s address and after discussing it with the office at Calvary, they are okay with us getting the mail at the church. This would save NEBA the cost of paying for a PO Box. It is paid annually and costs around $250.00.

Michele motions to accept, Charlie seconds. Motion carries.

Jessica will send out notifications to all association members and file an address change with the post office. Renewal is due in mid-May. Notification will be sent before then.

  • Spring Creek Property

Because NEBA does not have plans for the property in Spring Creek it has been brought up to sell the property. An offer for $28,500 has been given, about $2,000 less than expected.

Bill motions to sell the property for the offered amount, Tim seconds. Motion carries.

  • Golconda Property

Proposed idea to sell the property in Golconda. It is not currently being used. The property is 3 lots. It has septic, electricity hook ups, and is fenced, but no actual building is on the property.

There are concerns that this could still be a valuable property to start a church plant. More information is needed before deciding on selling.

Charlie motions to keep and possibly use the property for a plant based on finding out current demographics of the area, Tim seconds. Motion carries.

 Golcondas current population and if there are any other churches in Golconda being two main factors. Robin will contact Josh Carter (state church planter) and ask for his opinion on the area and any concerns he might see.

  • Tobar Property

The Tobar property between Wells and Ely is another property not in use. After speaking with a realtor about options for the property it was suggested to let it default back to the state because it is such a small property and in an undesired location. Many concerns with just defaulting on the property affecting NEBA reputation are brought up. Suggesting filing a quick claim with the state instead but the state could still deny this request as well because the property is undesirable.

Tim motions to finding a neighboring property owner and gifting the property to them, Bill seconds, motion carries.

  • Round Mountain Baptist Church

Robin has proposed the idea of bringing Round Mountain Baptist Church into the association or getting Kingston a different DBA. NEBA owns the property in Kingston, Round Mountain Baptist Church owns their own property. Round Mountain and Kingston would be re-plants. Round Mountain currently is not meeting. All keys and banking information have been left to a lady named Minnie.

Round Mountain is currently part of Sierra’s association, but Doug Vaughn does not have a plan for Round Mountain.

Kingston could become a DBA of another church in the association, or they could incorporate. Kingston is having a business meeting on 02-27-2024 and will be discussing the plans for moving the church forward.

Topic tabled until more information could be gathered.

  • Evangelism/ Missions Conference

Robin has proposed the idea of NEBA hosting an evangelism/ missions conference. He was unsure on what time of the year would be a good time or if it could be done in 2024. Collectively it was suggested to mix an evangelism/missions message into the annual meeting. From this NEBA would create a mission team to go around to the churches in the association and help them fix up their buildings.

There are some concerns about needing a contractor license and what could be done if a contractor could not be found in the more rural areas.

Tim suggested contacting Steve Witt at The Well to speak at our annual meeting for evangelism.

Tim motions to add evangelism to the annual meeting, Robin seconds. Motion carries.

Charlie Motions to find 1 church in the association to help per year, the first being Blessed Hope in Wendover, Michele seconds. Motion carries.

  • Robins Update

Robin met with SCBC in February about becoming the temporary pastor. He would help direct the church as they continue to search for a permanent pastor. Robin was interviewed by the church pastor search committee and was voted in! He will begin the steps to being hired by the church and should begin preaching mid-March. Robin will continue to be NEBAs Dom, working in the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Finical reports were passed out but not discussed because Jessca was not available to join us via Zoom.

Tim motioned to close, Jeff seconds. Motion carries

Tim closed in prayer.


Submitted by Jessica Riley, Secretary


Northeast Baptist Association

Admin Team Meeting May 20, 2024


PRAYER: Opening Prayer by Charlie Vaughn

ROLL CALL:  Robin Stork, Bill Cox, Tim Royal, Janet Lee Royal, Cindy Pearson, Jessica Riley (in person); Jeff Johnson, Charlie Vaughn, Michele Cason, Jessca Schmidt (Zoom)


Jeff Johnson, Moderator, asked for the minutes from the previous meeting of February 26, 2024, to be discussed and agree upon.

Change to minutes: Robin Stork is not the temporary but permanent pastor of Spring Creek Baptist.  Official start date of May 1, 2024.

With that one change, minutes are agreed upon.


  • NEBA post office box has been closed and NEBA mail will be sent to Calvary Baptist Church
  • The final total sale of the Spring Creek property was $34,784.93 and $30,815.33 was deposited (after realtor fees, etc.) in May so this amount will show up on next month’s financial report.
  • Robin Stork’s status as pastor of Spring Creek Baptist mentioned above in Minutes from Last Meeting.
  • Tobar property: no contact made as yet with neighbors.
  • Kingston/Round Mountain: (report given by Charlie Vaughn) RM is part of Sierra Association; prior they with part of  Lahontan association. Kingston started under RM so all documents for Kingston have RM’s footprint (including checking account). No pastor for RM in 5-6 plus years. One woman is running things. Kingston church wants to be up and running—however, no membership as previous members moved away. So starting from scratch so need to separate from RM. There is one man who feels called to ministry and is considering taking Kingston. Another bible believing church has asked about purchasing the RM property as they are in need for more space. Kingston hosted a BBQ with 22 people in attendance. Charlie is working on paperwork and getting membership established. Kingston desire is to move forward to reach their community for Jesus through conversion, baptism, and growth.

Robin Stork stated that the emphasis will be on Kingston for the time being then we will take a look at Round Mountain.

Tim Royal talked about the possibility of this potential Kingston pastor going through NAMB SEND NV so that he can receive training, support, and resources. Tim and Charlie plan to reach out to schedule a meeting with this potential pastor.

Kingston has a parsonage which needs repairs. The people are meeting together to determine what repairs are necessary and how to proceed. There is also a parsonage in Round Mountain.

  • CONSTRUCTION WORK AT BLESSED HOPE CHURCH Wendover—Charlie gave a report on the construction/repairs planned for this Thursday that will include outside posts and interior metal doors. The church also needs new flooring at a later date (this is a funding issue). The initial work is being done Thursday, May 23, 2024—a one-day work day of 5-6 men (this workday is currently fully staffed).


Presented by Jessca Schmidt--refer to attached financial reports for details.  Tim Royal pointed out a $1500 discrepancy between income on the books ($752) and the church donations recorded for the month of April. Jessca Schmidt looked up and noted that a large amount was deposited in May that appears to be a carryover from April. Jessica Riley stated that the deposits were based on the check dates rather than the date deposited. Tim pointed out that standard practice for a non-profit is same week deposits. Robin acknowledged this and pointed out that there has been some difficulty due to office and mail moves.


  • Women’s Conference Report given by Janet Lee Royal. Awesome weekend. The Lord’s presence was seen, felt, and heard, and many women responded with positive input about the entire weekend including our keynote speaker, Judith Cirincione (wife of NBC Executive Director, Damian); the 5 breakout sessions lead by some amazing and gifts teachers; and elegant and delicious food; and the overall warmth and welcoming environment of the entire weekend. The team did an outstanding job, and we each experienced God both in the preparation and execution of the event.  Close to 100 women were present. One of the best retreats we have enjoyed with excellent feedback on our evaluation forms. Many expressed spiritual encounters throughout the weekend which is the best. We are excited about next year’s theme “Cherry on Top—Taste and See that the Lord is Good” which we are framing to make entertaining, fun, and whimsical while still making sure God is gloried and honored. Dana Johnson of First Baptist, Winnemucca, will be our keynote speaker with her church serving as the host church May 2 & 3, 2025.
  • Cindy Pearson—she has asked in what ways she can help out with the NEBA board and ministries and outreaches and let our team know she is available and willing.
  • Robin Stork informed the team that he will start his decrease in NEBA salary the first of June from $36,000 to $30,000 annually ($500 monthly decrease).

Motion to close meeting given by Charlie Vaughn, seconded by Michele Cason.

Closing Prayer given by Janet Lee Royal


Prepared by Clerk:  Janet Lee Royal


NEBA Board Meeting Minutes

Monday, September 16, 2024
Prepared by Janet Lee Royal, NEBA Clerk


Members Present:  Robin Stork; Tim Royal, Janet Lee Royal; BY ZOOM: Bill Cox, Charlie Vaughn, Michele Cason


Absent: Jeff Johnson, Cindy Pearson


Charlie Vaughn called the meeting to order and opened in prayer.

Minutes from previous meeting were motioned for approval by Bill Cox and seconded by Tim Royal. No further discussion. All said amen (in favor). Motion carried.

Old Business:

Tobar—no contact has been made; taxes on this property are very small. Robin said he would make contact with the objective of donating it to the people next door.

Kingston/Round Mountain—There is a growing group of people that are interested in seeing the church reestablished. Kingston originated from Round Mountain—the pastor died from cancer. Some people stepped in to keep things going but one of the challenges was the paperwork was not kept up. Also an issue is that Round Mountain is a part of Sierra Baptist Association, and Kingston is part of NEBA.

Charlie’s recommendation was to separate from Round Mountain and establish themselves as a church. At this time, he has no idea where this situation sits. Suggested creating individual entity with the state. They are having Bible study (19 present) at last study so going well. No one of the original membership is left as part of the church; however, there are seven who have come forward for membership. The group interested in restarting that church was told by Charlie that they have bylaws and a constitution to abide by as well as the Bible. Discussion ensued about this issue.  The current attendees have expressed interest in growing the church. Cameron Von Linsowe is interested in helping with the pastorate, and this is a good fit for him. Charlie is mentoring him. Also, a new couple from Las Vegas just moved to Kingston and became a part of the church (the husband has been stepping up to preach as needed but Charlie needs to vet him).

Kingston has a parsonage that needs a fair amount of repair. Charlie recommended keeping and repairing the parsonage to be used for guest pastors who come to speak. Charlie asked us to keep Kingston in prayer and offer any advice and encouragement. Tim and Charlie discussed meeting together to organize a work party to repair the parsonage.


New Business:

Tim Royal discussed financials. Refer to documents for details and proposals.

The proposed budget for 2025 is a zero-base budget, meaning that it is based on a more realistic $62,500 anticipated church income instead of the 111k that the 2024 budget used to balance the numbers. Cuts were made in DOM salary and church support to drop spending, and budgets were based on actual money spent. Budgeted cash burn drops by about $4,000 with a far better shot at a balanced budget for 2025.

The balance sheet adjustments proposed are also detailed in the accompanying financials. The major change is the recovery of the over $48k in NEBA funds paid to Baptist Missions Foundation for the Lakeview Church Property in South Fork. This moves our General Fund available from just over $40,000 to nearly $90,000 and the balance is moved to Church Planting as stipulated in the original transaction. This combined with the budget changes moves the Association reserves from 3 ½ years to 10 years of cash at the current vs. anticipated annual loss rates.

A combined motion on the financials and proposed changes and 2025 budget (again, refer to attached documents) was made by Bill Cox and seconded by Michele Cason. All said Amen (accepted) unanimously. The new financials and budget will be presented at the NEBA Annual Meeting.

Robin will get together with Jeff to discuss the NEBA Annual Meeting Agenda before the event.

Meeting adjourned as the Zoom link ended.