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Northeast Baptist Association Team Meeting
-February 3, 2022
Present: Robin Stork, Tim Royal, Jessica Riley, Cindy Pearson (new check signer), Ted and Jenny Kern at the office as well as Bill Cox, Jessca Schmidt, and Michele Cason by Zoom.
The meeting was called to order by Bill and Robin led in prayer for our work.
Minutes of the Sept. 9, 2021, team meeting were read. There was a motion by Michele, 2nd by Tim to accept. Passed.
Financial reports presented by Jessca: Income and Expense report for 2021 calendar year
and Dec. 2021 Balance sheet. She was excited to report we did not have to draw out of the Baptist Missions Fund account last year. Motion by Jessica to accept financial report. Passed.
Old business:
NeBA has a new email address:
We will be asking churches to update their contact information. Registration for the Women’s Conference can be done online, and a link posted for VBS clinic/training. A new Facebook page is coming.
New business:
DOM report by Robin-Two churches without pastors. Jeff Johnson is currently preaching at FBC-Winnemucca as interim pastor. Robin is interim at Kingston Village. NeBA will assimilate Round Mountain into our association and hope to find one pastor to serve both Kingston and Round Mt. congregations. Robin has talked to Doug Vaughan, DOM for Sierra Asso., about Round Mt. coming into our association. Charlie Vaughn has hinted at bringing Yomba into NeBA as well.
D3 Church in Winnemucca has determined to leave SBC, NBC, and NeBA.
Robin is rethinking the NAMB Pipeline training proposal presented at the annual meeting as no real interest has developed. Some found the program cumbersome. He does not mean to take leadership training and discipleship responsibilities from the churches. Robin presented a new idea for discovering new leadership from within our association. The idea sprang from a recent think tank discussion. Robin presented a proposal to search for a bi-vocational man to be hired by NeBA; pay him a small salary of $300. /month from the pastoral support fund and mileage as applicable. He would: (1) assist Robin with interim pastoral work when multiple churches in the association are without a pastor. He would do “intentional” leadership to guide the church through the process of finding a new pastor. (2) He would train the church's leaders. (3) He would be trained in church planting as well, not to become the new church pastor but trained in the legalities of a new start.
Robin mentioned trying to anticipate future needs as all our church pastors are aging.
Discussion started with Michele pointing out we frequently use the term “interim” when what we mean is Sunday preaching only. NAMB uses the term “intentional interim” to mean more than just Sunday, but also to lead the church in all areas. Ted pointed out the proposal is talking about two separate issues: church planting and interim work. He asked how Robin hoped to find this person. Robin would post on the website and Facebook page. Jenny expressed concern the proposal was too broad with one person to be focusing on both interim work and church planting. Robin has some ideas to start recruiting a person or persons. What time frame did Robin have in mind for an interim? Each church is different. Ted said we need one guy to start. Bill stated the focus is to raise up local leaders.
Tim made a motion, seconded by Michele to take out item 3 of Robin’s above proposal and move forward with interim recruitment. Passed.
During discussion Robin mentioned we will start sending money to the Spanish congregation in Wells.
2022 Calendar items:
March 19 - Michele announced the VBS clinic will be at The Bridge from 9:00-1:00 and training also available on ZOOM.
May 6-7 Women’s Conference at FBC-Bt. Mt.
Men’s Conference is being scheduled and will be posted on the website.
May 19 - Admin. Team Mtg.
June 14-15 - SBC Mtg.
August 18 - Admin. Team Mtg.
September 24 - NeBA annual meeting FBC-Carlin
October 17-18 - NV Baptist Convention Mtg. at South Reno Baptist Church
Other news and announcements:
The NBC office in Reno is sold. The move to Las Vegas should be in April. The Las Vegas property is already being acquired. Tim thinks it is more useable for NBC purposes than the old office.
The Bridge Marriage Conference is March 4-5 and is open to other churches. Signup is online. Attend in person only.
Motion to adjourn by Tim, second by Ted. Prayer by Ted to dismiss us.
Submitted by Jenny Kern, Clerk
Northeast Baptist Association Team Meeting
-May 19, 2020
Members Present: Robin Stork; Bill Cox, and Michele Cason via zoom.
Pastor Bill Called the meeting to order.
Robin opened in prayer.
Last meetings minutes from February 3, 2022 were reviewed and accepted.
Budget and financial reports were discussed. With Jessca missing, the presentation was not able to be shared at the time of the meeting. Robin shared that $3500.00 waws moved out of savings because we are running in a deficit. At the beginning of the year we had insurances due, helped many churches with VBS, and also hosted the Women’s conference. Looking back in the books NEBA is still $1700.00 above the bank account standings of two years ago. And looking on the church giving table, church giving is increasing.
Old Business was discussed.
The NEBA Facebook page is still in progress. The NEBA site has been updated to and linked to the new NEBA email address.
New Business:
4 Churches are pastor-less
- Kingston – Robin is interim
- Winnemucca 1st Baptist
- Round Mountain
- Crescent Valley- Theodore had his last service the previous Sunday.
Calvary has hired a new pastor to replace Sam.
Monthly Think Tanks have been moved to Fellowship in Battle Mountain on the last Thursday of each month. The pastors’ wives are also meeting at the same time.
Any Questions?
Bill: Is Round Mountain going to Join NEBA? Yes! They are working on joining with NEBA, and then they will request from Sierra to move over to NEBA.
Bill: Have all the churches responded to the new email? Mostly, Jessica has been working on contacting all of them and updating them with our new information as well as making sure the directory is up to date for us.
Any other Discussion?
Wild Horse is expecting to open in the spring. Cowboy church has been meeting but the old A frame has been under construction and is expected to be completed in the spring.
On the Go festival is in two weeks. Its being held in Spring Creek at the Brent Park.
Motion to Close
Second by Michele
Robin closed in Prayer.
Submitted by Jessica Riley
Northeast Baptist Association Team Meeting
-September 15, 2022
Members Present: Robin Stork; Jessica Riley; Pastor Bill Cox; Pastor Dennis Draves; Pastor Tim Royal; Michele Cason; Cindy Pearson; Janet Lee Royal; Jessca Schimdt (by Zoom)
Pastor Bill called the meeting to order.
Pastor Tim opened in prayer.
Old Business was discussed—no minutes.
Jessca Schmidt presented NEBA financial report (see reports).
Jessca Schmidt presented NEBA Budget for 2023 (see reports).
Pastor Bill made a motion to approve 2023 budget; Michele Cason seconded the motion. Unanimous vote to approve 2023 Budget.
Robin outlined location of next three (3) NEBA Annual Meetings:
2022—First Baptist Church, Carlin (Saturday, September 24)
2023—Fellowship Baptist Church, Battle Mountain
2024—Blessed Hope Church, Wendover
Robin introduced theme for the 2022 Annual Meeting: “Seeking Unto God”
Prayer format for focus throughout the meeting as follows:
- Commitment to God
- Walk with God
- Conviction by God
- Repentance to God
- Renewal from God
- Obedience to God’s Will
Meeting will include IMB video with their annual report.
Vote on NEBA Clerk—Janet Lee Royal as candidate.
Meeting will begin at 9 am and targeted end is 12:30 followed by lunch.
KEY POINT--Update guidelines for churches to receive NEBA support: Churches no longer giving to NEBA will not continue receiving any money from NEBA—funding will cease.
Pastor Bill moved to close meeting.
Robin closed in prayer.
Meeting adjourned.