Administrative Meeting Minutes from previous dates can be requested by email. Thank you.
Northeast Baptist Association Administrative Team Meeting
-February 18, 2021
Present: Robin Stork, Jim Disbro, Jessica Riley, Ted and Jenny Kern at the NEBA office and Jessca Schmidt and Michele Cason via Zoom connection.
The meeting was called to order by Jim Disbro. Ted led in prayer. Jenny read minutes of the Sept. 26, 2020 annual meeting. Jessica read the Sept. 10 administrative team meeting minutes. (A copy is included in the annual meeting book of reports.)
Budget discussion led by Jessca followed with a packet of reports available for all to reference. The first handout showed December 2020 and Year to date income and expense totals. The year to date totals show an income of $83,243.10 but expenses of $97,292.58 for a deficit of -$14,049.48. The balance sheet showed total assets of $229,523.98 in all checking and savings accounts. Ted asked if the 6% interest from BMF general savings fund was enough to offset the deficit coming in from churches. The interest earnings helps but about $20,000.00 was transferred to the checking account in late summer 2020. We are chipping away at the principal and are not able to contribute back to that principal; so at this rate, we would continue to deplete the principal. Robin referred us to the worksheet comparing church contributions for 2019 and 2020. NEBA received $7,287.85 less in 2020 than in 2019.
Next we looked at the Income and Expense Statement for Dec. 2020 itemizing operating expenses of $9,765.50. It also showed BMF interest year to date to be $15,468.77. Jim asked if the deficit in giving is due to churches receiving less, therefore giving less to the association. Robin thinks Covid-19 as it continues so long is probably affecting giving. But giving from churches in January 2021 was $9,000 more than last January! So he is hopeful. Ted made a motion, second by Jessica to receive the financial reports. Passed.
New business: Robin gave the director’s report. He visited all the churches at least once except D3 (which has only been meeting remotely), Country Roads/Montello, Ely, and Preston. He has been in contact with pastor Brad of D3. The pastor who used to be at Wendover is now involved at Montello. Shilo joined with Spring Creek Baptist Church and has given a big boost. Pastor Will is now full-time at the church since November. They have 50 children meeting in the second building so not to go over the governor’s limits for meetings. Dennis Draves is pastor at West Wendover; in the hospital with heart issues at the time of our meeting. Robin has been thankful for training opportunities on Zoom via computer during the last year, particularly the Network of Baptist Associations Summit. His goals for this year are to ordain two pastors and get the email changed to our website. He also wants to continue deacon training having already trained three churches. He also wants to introduce PLACE workshops for exploring personality, experiences, and passions to shed light on service through talents and gifts. Think Tanks will continue but on the last Thursday of the month. Robin would also like to try to attend more church events. Old business: Saving on postage was discussed. Robin will talk more with Jessca about signing checks in Elko as we have three possible signers in Elko. (Jessca left the meeting early as she has a new baby.) Jessica Riley said she has time to do the checks as part of her hours as NEBA secretary.
MIscellaneous business: There will be no Power Conference this year; also no women’s retreat. Robin expressed, “What will conferences look like in the future?” 2020 Team Meeting dates: May 20 and August 19. Annual meeting: Sept. 25 Other dates - Revival at FBC-Battle Mt. on June 12 at Elquist Park - VBS training probably Sat., March 20 at Calvary in Elko since they have Zoom capability for up to 100 people; 9:00 AM to Noon with lunch after. Jim closed the meeting with prayer.
Respectfully submitted, Jenny Kern, Clerk
Northeast Baptist Association Team Meeting
- May 20, 2021
Present: Robin Stork, Jim Disbro, Tim Royal, Bill Cox, Ted and Jenny Kern, Michele Cason and Jessica Riley via Zoom connection.
The meeting was called to order by Jim Disbro. We opened in prayer. Minutes of the Feb. 18, 2021 meeting were read by Jenny. Tim asked when the West Wendover church name changes to Blessed Hope. Robin made a motion, seconded by Bill to accept the minutes as read. Passed.
The financial forms packet was examined. Jessca Schmidt was unable to attend. The Budget Report through April 2021 was available as well as the Balance Sheet. Giving from the churches is almost $9,000 this year over the first 4 months of 2020. There was a motion to accept the budget reports by Robin, second by Ted. Passed.
Old Business: A new stereo and mikes were purchased for the block party trailer. They will be stored in the office, however, as the first set was stolen from the trailer. Churches have scheduled several uses of the trailer for this summer. Ted asked if the trailer is ready to go now. Robin asked Jim to have his church inventory the contents after they use it in June.
New business:
1) Diana Laster is resigning her associational position as assistant treasurer. We have enough other signers on checks.
2) Jim Fitch is leaving Kingston in June. The church in Round Mountain is no longer meeting. They were in Lahontan Association which has now joined with Sierra Association. It was stated they would better be aligned with NEBA as we share rural and mining area concerns. Hope was expressed in helping both churches find pulpit supply from our association. Robin will contact the Sierra leadership.
3) A letter from Country Roads Baptist Church (Montello) was read expressing thanks and contained the first monthly check to support NEBA work.
There is an ordination service in Carlin on June 5.
Miscellaneous business: Future meeting dates for 2021 are an Administrative Team Meeting on August 19 and annual meeting on September 25 in Wells with Pastor Craig Burford preaching. Robin expressed concern that there are no other meetings this year but doesn’t see how to do more at this point. There was no other opinion expressed.
Bill closed with prayer.
Respectfully submitted, Jennifer Kern, Clerk